congrats! u have officially caught the orchid addiction, LoL!! the plant looks lovely. a few things to consider with dendrobiums and eplc. no matter now big the pots get, the roots will always grow out of the pot (which is actually very okay); they just grow many many many many roots.
when it comes to repotting:
you can use that same container at least for another year--orchids like to rootbound. just unpot and trim off any mushy dead roots. after that, place back into the container with new media (large bark/charcoal). then place the container into a nice looking pot for display--also helps the plant from tipping the itself over.
then say next year, u might want to graduate up a size for container b/c it will probably be too small for it then when it has like 4-5 pseudobulbs
goodluck ^^
Last edited by philoserenus; 01-26-2009 at 07:13 PM..