Hi all,
I bought a brassia verrucosa in the fall of 08. The leaves are turning yellow and not just the older ones. I keep it outside here in San Jose CA until temps get below 38 and then I bring it inside for the night ( this has only happened a few times this winter.) I was feeding it everyweek and had it in full sun until about 1:30. For the past 2-3 weeks I have cut down the watering to every 2 weeks and the feeding to every 3 weeks still no improvement. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
thank you
I agree with the above. Your conditions do not sound like something the brassia verrucosa would dislike, as its a cooler grower. The sun levels may be a bit high, but this would not cause the leaves to yellow...usually it would burn them and they would turn black and fall off. This sounds like a systemic issue, meaning something is amiss with the plant itself - the roots are the first place I would look. Unpot it and let us know what you find.
I checked the roots. They seem a bit dry and brittle. They are a good white color but most of them are in the bottom of the pot. There are a couple sticking out of the pot and the tips on those are brown. The plant is in a 5" pot.
Thanks Becky. The roots seem crowded and matted together. It only has 4 psuedobulbs? growing in the pot could it need to be potted up already? I read that Brassia dont like to be disturbed. If I do pot it up is medium bark and some pumice ok?
clueless in San Jose