I just moved into a new house and have set my plants up in the bathroom. I have a separate tub / shower so i won't be using the tub. I placed wire shelves across the tub. There's a large window above the tub which is locationed on the south wall at the western corner of the house (I'm in Austin, Tx). The window has 2" faux wood blinds. I've got the blinds set so that the plants get dappled light all day. I usually shower twice a day (gotta shower afer I get home from the gym) so it seems like they'll get plenty of moisture.
Question is...will this light set up and the humidity from the showers be a good spot for the plants?
What type of orchids do you have and what type of media are they in? I have hung a large Vanda in my bathroom and it still need to be watered almost every day but then I have a Catt. and some Onc. that are in front of a southern window in the bedroom and they don't get watered near as often.
I've got a mixture of phals and dens. They're all in bark mixture, some have moss around the top. I've got them all sitting in rock filled water trays that I keep water in to help the humidity.
This has to be better than the previous place. They were inthe same trays in the bedroom in a west facing window. I ran the ceiling fan pretty much 7x24 and they seem to have done fairly well there.
They may need to be eased in to the new environment the light might be a little bright to them at first but it dose sound like a good place for them to be?