I just determined (thanks to this board) that i have a few Den keikis growing on my almost dead Den. the Den has no viable roots so i have it staked with a plastic knife (Ohhh fancy, I spared no expense) in s/h and I have it tented with a plastic bag to keep up the humidity. I'm giving it the same light as the other Dens. I wanna make sure i take good care of the keikis so i can save the plant... what are ideal conditions for my NOID cane like Den keiki?
p.s. I know that since its a NOID that advice cant be guaranteed but any help please
for what it may be worth - when I had a dying nobile throwing out keikis I just kept watering the plant as usual, about once a week, plant getting strong light late in day- til keikis had enough roots that I could remove and pot them ...
I have a few Dendrobiums and what I do is to wait
until the keikis roots get to be about 3 inches long then remove it and plant it in the medium of your choice. I use fine bark and osmunda root but I'm sure others on this site might come up with a better suggestion.
This just happens to work for me.
Good luck.