Hi and welcome
I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather...I'm sure he's watching you and his orchids and will give you a hand in their care
Vandas have no way to store water or nutrients so they must be supplied by you. I have most of my vandas hanging freely and their roots get heavily misted every day until the white wrapping on them turns green. Once it turns green, you know that the water has reached the actual root which is inside.
The friend who told you they bloom once and then you throw it out...ummm, don't listen to them when it comes to your orchids

Some orchids bloom just once a year while others have been known to bloom over and over
As for the "blue"...there is no actual blue, they are all varying shades of purple...but if you take a picture of one with a digital camera and look at the screen, you'll see the most stunning shades of blue ever! Go figure!
Check out our Vanda forum and the rest of the board, feel free to ask questions...you now have friends who know what they are doing and would be happy to help you to care for your grandfather's collection.