Every society to which I belong in California has a members' table for sales. Depending on each club, a % ranging from 10% to 25% of each sale goes to the club. The member takes home the remainder. Sales tax is paid from the percentage that goes to the club. In some societies, tax on the entire sale amount is deducted before the percentage goes to the club. In the books with which I am most familiar, it goes under a "table rental" or "booth space rental" classification.
I know of two societies for certain that charge a "booth space fee" at their respective shows and both are 501 3C classified. It is one way in which a society can generate operating fees and also serve its members by giving them an outlet to circulate their collections.
Hopefully more members of the Forum will chime in.
Last edited by Cym Ladye; 01-02-2009 at 05:29 PM..