Hello, I just thought I would share this orchid mount. It should be a very very long time before this mount breaks down. These plants have been mounted on this deer antler for 2 months and are taking to it very nicely.
Who knows it could be all the rage in a few years. Someone has to try something and be the first one, that way we all can learn from them and be inspired to try something different.
The plastic pots is a good point! I do have a couple of mounted orchids that seem to not be wanting to grab a hold on their wood mounts...it is mainly just two and they are both the same....a Cochlioda rosea....so maybe it is just something with them.
I have found old antlers in the wood that have had mosses and other small forms of plant life growing on and down into them. The antlers are organic and as such if they are exposed to moister and the air they will breakdown and something will use the end result.