Hi again!
I have a phal who has lost almost all its leaves and has just a couple of plump roots and its growing a keiki, nothing really ever happened to her, I always thought she had too little roots to sustain such big leaves; and I have another phal that just came out of root rot (I bagged it because I thought i wasn't getting enough humidity) and has 2 skinny new roots and minus 2 leaves (which doesn't concern me much beacuse they were the oldest and is growing a new one)
Needless to say I love them both, they don't seem to handle any type of media well, and sphag-n-bag is out of the question since I just can't seem to get it right.
I was wondering, would they make it if I mist their little roots every other day (or when they go dry or white)? obviously until they develop many more, enough to be repotted.
Has anyone done this? Could I pull it off?
Thank you in advance guys