Hi Myst and welcom to Orchid Board!

Don't worry, we're all learning, though some of us (like me

) more than others.
First, you haven't killed your chids. Certainly not with just one application of fertilizer.
Second, that ratio sounds like a bloom booster food (extra phosphorous, the middle number, to encourage more and better blooms). You may want to find a more balanced fertilizer for the growing season and then switch to the bloom booster around blooming season, whenever that is for your particular orchids. What kind of orchids do you have, what medium do they grow in, and what conditions (light, temp, etc.) are they growing in? These can also affect the choice of fertilizer, although a generic orchid fertilizer works perfectly well.
And finally, it is generally considered better for orchids to apply fertilizer every watering or every other watering (depending on specific orchid, season, growing conditions, things like that) at a more dilute dosage than recommended. I assume from the wording "For feeding less often" that there are directions for feeding more often at a lower concentration, which would be better for the chids than the less often applications.
Well, that's my

I'm sure the more experienced growers on OB have valuable info to add...or correct.
Again, welcome to OB and