where to cut and what to fert. with?
Hi O.B. members
I have a "temple cloud" phal. that just dropped the last flower on a somewhat of a tiny spike. ( it's a tiny spike, mainly cause i dropped it when it was growing, woops)
there are two main choices, from what i have read on the O.B. boards when the flower spike drops its last flower:
A- cut the spike at the first nod, just below the last flower on flower spike branch-thus getting smaller and fewer flowers, if it reblooms
B- cut the spike at the bottom, close to the start of the spike- smaller stem, more bigger healthier flowers
..nice i did drop the phal. when the spike was first growing, and it did half crack the spike, but it continue to grow, about 4 more nods longer, and then flower
i can see where it got cracked on the spike, which is ruffly half way up or down, depending in how you look at it.
so my questions are..
A- if i cut the spike a the nod below the crack ( middle on the road,lol) ..is it possible that i will/could get the best of both A+B choices, when it comes to re flowering, meaning, will i get fairly nice size flowers and have a health spike?
B- if i do cut it at the nod just under the crack in the spike, what fertilizer should i start to use? or even if i cut the spike where it started on the phal.? ... is there one or two of the NPK, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, that i should have more of? taking into account that the conditions are different from when the first flower spike grew. meaning, i now have to grow under lights, but the that didn't seemingly change the phal. or the flowers..it has been under lights now around 6 weeks.