where to cut and what to fert. with?
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where to cut and what to fert. with?
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Old 11-23-2008, 05:54 PM
try&try77 try&try77 is offline
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where to cut and what to fert. with? Male
Default where to cut and what to fert. with?

Hi O.B. members
I have a "temple cloud" phal. that just dropped the last flower on a somewhat of a tiny spike. ( it's a tiny spike, mainly cause i dropped it when it was growing, woops)

there are two main choices, from what i have read on the O.B. boards when the flower spike drops its last flower:

A- cut the spike at the first nod, just below the last flower on flower spike branch-thus getting smaller and fewer flowers, if it reblooms
B- cut the spike at the bottom, close to the start of the spike- smaller stem, more bigger healthier flowers

..nice i did drop the phal. when the spike was first growing, and it did half crack the spike, but it continue to grow, about 4 more nods longer, and then flower
i can see where it got cracked on the spike, which is ruffly half way up or down, depending in how you look at it.

so my questions are..
A- if i cut the spike a the nod below the crack ( middle on the road,lol) ..is it possible that i will/could get the best of both A+B choices, when it comes to re flowering, meaning, will i get fairly nice size flowers and have a health spike?
B- if i do cut it at the nod just under the crack in the spike, what fertilizer should i start to use? or even if i cut the spike where it started on the phal.? ... is there one or two of the NPK, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, that i should have more of? taking into account that the conditions are different from when the first flower spike grew. meaning, i now have to grow under lights, but the that didn't seemingly change the phal. or the flowers..it has been under lights now around 6 weeks.

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Old 11-23-2008, 06:06 PM
BikerDoc5968 BikerDoc5968 is offline
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In my experience, limited at best, any "regrowth" spikes will usually have smaller flowers....

I always cut at the base....unless I have had one of my numerous brain-cramps and forget to cut then I just leave it and enjoy what grows.

Since it just finished flowering, you may not get another spike for several months or maybe not until next fall even if you use a low nitrogen food; higher nitrogen inhibits flower growth. I'd use a higher nitrogen food now and see if you can't get some leaf growth and have the plant store some flower power for the next flowering season....just a thought
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cut, flower, flowers, phal, spike, fert

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