I saw this movie "Adaptation" about a man who steals Orchids from a wildlife preservation in S. Florida. Alot of the movie is a true story. Susan Orlean is a writter for the "New Yorker" who did a story on this Orchid thief, she wrote a book called "The Orchid Thief". Orlean eventually falls in love with the thief and asked him to show her the "Ghost" Orchid, which is a rare Lindenii. I like this movie because it's a bit different than most love stories.
The "Ghost" is a real, rare Orchid in S. Florida. It is a Lindenii. I did research on Lindenii and quickly found a bunch of different kinds including ones called the "Ghost".
I ran into so many that I have to ask, are all orchids lindenii?
I really like the Dendrophylax Lindenii which resembles the "Ghost" in the movie "Adaptation". I just wanted to know if any one had a Lindenii and why are they so rare. I know that it's illegal to remove one from a national wildlife refuge but wouldn't someone farm these covetted plants? In the movie the thief found a loop hole in the laws of Florida regarding wildlife and plants, he got a native American to remove these plants because it is legal for them to do so.
This movie got me to really want an Orchid, this Lindenii in speciffic...I wanted to go out in the swamps of Florida and aquire this plant my self much the way people do with Bonsai trees (which I also grow).
This Orchid is the most beautifull flower I've ever seen, it's almost like I've fallen in love...with this Orchid.
"Adaptation" is a good movie about this kind of Orchid but along with the love story comes the heist (steaaling of Orchids), a nail bitting car chase, and even a murder. There is fiction to this story though, the Native Americans who stole the Orchids stole them for the sole reason of extracting a powdery drug which Orlean gets addicted to. I'm almost possative there is no drugs in Orchids but I have to ask, has any one ever heard of extracting chemicals from Orchids for a euphoric purpose?
Just something to talk about, something alittle different involving Orchids