How do I stop my phal spiking and make it grow roots!
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Old 11-09-2008, 04:54 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Default How do I stop my phal spiking and make it grow roots!

I know most people want spiks, and on my other two phals I would be thrilled (in fact my other two are either flowering or in bud).

But this phal is the really sick one I've talked about here since the summer.

It refuses to grow new roots and it has almost none, but it keeps trying to spike.
On advice from you guys I've removed the spikes as soon as I am certain that's what they are but it just tries again.

I've read that different conditions encourage growth to those that encourage spiking... so what am I doing wrong.

Is it too cold... is it cold that promotes spikes? It's in my living room but my husband and I keep the house quite cool, the thermostat is set to 19C (66F) but the heating is not on all day or at night. I have no idea what it drops to.

Should I keep it drier or wetter to promote roots?

What about light, I think I remember that less light is good for root growth but it never get's that bright at this time of year in the UK anyway.

I'm thinking this phal will die soon anyway, but it's not there yet. The two bigger leaves are wrinkling now (it had 9 before I made the mistake which made it sick). The third new leaf is still growing slightly. I could go and buy another with the same colour flowers, it's only a NOID with common purple flowers that you can buy everywhere, but I'm not willing to give up until it's completely dead.
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Old 11-09-2008, 07:02 PM
magicatt magicatt is offline
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How do I stop my phal spiking and make it grow roots! Female

Since no one else is answering I will put in my Your orchid seems to be in the fast lane to death. It is spiking to reproduce itself before it dies. I would cut off any spikes and dust the bottom with rooting hormone and sphag and bag it. Dollar store sells ziploc cheap. Medium light and prayer. Thats what I would do. Anyone else have any ideas?
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Old 11-09-2008, 07:43 PM
neb neb is offline
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Superthrive may help it has 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid and that is an Auxin that is responsible for root growth it may be able to tell your phal to stop spiking and grow some roots. Or any root hormone may work that is just my
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Old 11-09-2008, 09:26 PM
Kona's Gold Kona's Gold is offline

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Originally Posted by neb View Post
Superthrive may help it has 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid and that is an Auxin that is responsible for root growth it may be able to tell your phal to stop spiking and grow some roots. Or any root hormone may work that is just my
I agree with Neb Superthrive or KLN and try to keep the plant a little warmer. try a 25-40Watt light bulb in a vented wooded box about 14 - 18 inches square and place the plant on top to let the heat rise and warm the roots and medium. Keep it moist and use the rooting mix once every 8-10 days. There is also some closet de-humidifiers that come in a tube form that could be used also all they are is a heating element. Then there is also a aquarium heaters that might work to keep the plant warmer. The point is to keep the plant around 74-80 F to stimulate root growth.
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Old 11-09-2008, 09:34 PM
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If you are really worried, just cut the spikes as they appear. Keeping your plant warm (in theory, above 72F if I recall correctly) should inhibit it from spiking at all. The really big growers use temperature to time their spike production.

Now, it sounds like you are cutting your spikes, but 66F is on the cold side for phals. And if you aren't sure if that is the low, even more to worry about. A few weeks or even a month of that is OK, but in the long run your phal won't be very happy. If you do keep your house at that temperature, maybe you should consider growing other orchids, like miltonias, cymbidiums, etc. There are lots of nice orchids that would love the cooler temperatures.
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Old 11-10-2008, 08:34 AM
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I agree, warmer temperature should help. The big growers keep their phals warm to produce growth, and when they want spikes they lower the average temperature by a few degrees. Also, I have noticed that misting the base of the plant and top of medium (not the plant itself!) once or twice a day will help promote roots. They must like the added humidity. My phals are continuously pushing out roots since I started the daily misting routine. I bet if you add kln to the water, you should see some roots come out quickly!

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Old 11-11-2008, 03:14 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Thanks everyone. The temperature is a problem for me but it sounds like that's the answer.

My healthy Phals cope with it fine for the winter (and this one did last winter), they stop growing but are otherwise fine.

But this one got ill and I've not succeded in getting new roots while it was still walm, now it's colder the chances are dropping. The house has actually been at 72 today as I am home sick and want it warm, but usually I find that too hot to live in.

If Phals start spiking in cooler temperatures that explains why I get spikes without fail each winter
I thought I had remembered something like that.

Last edited by RosieC; 11-11-2008 at 03:17 PM.. Reason: Pressed Post before I intended.
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Old 11-11-2008, 03:24 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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On the subject of Sphag & Bag, I've had it in that enviroment for at least two months with no luck.

I realised after a month that I had missed the rooting hormone step but there I have a problem...

I've not been able to find a liquid rooting hormone on sale arround here and that's what the technique calls for. Over a month ago I tried dusting with the powder rooting hormone I use on cuttings in the garden but it did not seem to have any effect.

I've actually just potted this phal back up into bark yesterday, having given up on the Sphag & Bag. I know lots of people swear by it, but I must be missing something. There IS one two inch root which has a growing tip and one twoish inch root with no growing tip.... that's how it's been since the summer.

Oh well, I'll see what I can do about raising the temperature, if it dies it dies, but I won't give up till then.

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Old 11-11-2008, 03:35 PM
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I'm glad you are not giving up yet! Repotting might help, I've noticed that it always gives my phals a boost and then they start growing roots. Like I mentioned earlier, misting the base of the plant daily really seems to have an impact on root growth on my phals.

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Old 11-11-2008, 03:40 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Thanks again Camille,

I missed your bit about misting earlier. I mist the roots/medium once a twice a week on my healthy phals, but had not thought of it with this one. My healthy ones were pushing out loads of roots all summer, but not this one.

Does anyone know if I can get hold of KLN in the UK?
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buy, encourage, light, phal, roots, grow, spiking, stop

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