Joan! hi!
My experience tolds me to advise if you plant is a baby one and you are sure it's VAnda it's better to take it out wash in clean water carefully, pace it in a clear glass jar and fix it there with wire, kind of flying in the air... as plant is small and weak so thus you will create kind of glass house conditions for vanda... place it in a warm and sunny place and you will be fine! and spray daily.. I had same with my mom's vanda and it worked well! Good luck
hksin hi!, yes actually I've had a bit of water in the bottom to keep humidity but this was water from good spraying every morning. So I whould not say that I specifically poured some water. but in any case humidity did not do any harm... I've had one route in the water and 4 outside the vase now so definetly plant liked it... but here I'd advised to be carefull as plant is still very young...
Thanks Nick
I have a more mature Taiwan Face and the seedling looks nothing like it. When I purchased the seedling it was sold as a plant and came with two others both of which promptly died! I tried all sorts but this is the only one that is still with me, I would really like to keep the little fighter but have no idea what species it is as it had no label. So I just keep persevering with it. If it looks a little happier I tend to leave it, if it looks like it is yellowing I try something new with it. I did try growing it between two poly peanuts but it almost died on me. It does look a little happier now than it was.