Cool growing species rescue : temperatures ?
I bought 3 cool growing species last week, 2 of them from an Ecuador seller : Masdevallia coccinea alba and Masdevallia bicolor, and the third from a nurserie in BC (Canada): Coelogyne nitida (= ochracea).
The Masde. are not in good shape, the roots are alive (I got them bare-root) but no new root growing. The M. coccinea has not sign of growing activity, and the M. bicolor has one new leaf just starting.
The Coelogyne nitida is a young healthy plant, in fact it is a backbulb growing 2 new psb, and has lots of nice active growing roots. I had to repot it because it was in a very small pot and outgrowing it.
My question : should I keep these plants in warmer temperature than their regular needs in order to help them go through the repotting and travel stress (for the Ecuadorians) ?
I kept them until now in a cold room (50-57 ºF) but the Masde. don't seem to be doing well (some leaves are dying)
Thank you for your ideas...