me i just somehow did some brave decision! i unpot all my phal and did as what my maid does... wrap it in foam and coconut husk... i do hope theres going to have some improvement ill try to post a pic if its okay.. i have this endemic phal but not a goodlooking phal.. when it blossom its just white and little yellow spots. the roots are quite large kinda like a baby's wrist... i think 2 inch thick already coz its been sitting there for like 3 years.. anyway ill try to post it...
Please keep us informed of your most unusual method of spike inducement. Ok, I have to be totally honest here, I did stick my thunderstorm orchid in the fridge a week or so ago to simulate a temp flowers! What methods orchid growers will go to in order to obtain a bloom! I hope it spikes for you...maybe set it by the trash can, it should get the hint!
Hi eddie regarding on your thunderstorm orchid is it the den. crumenatum or pigeon/dove orchid ur referring to. anyway if were on the same page... im also having a hard time flowering this type of chid. though it rained last week so it just gave me one flower! anyway i do love its scent think its my top 5 list when it comes to its scent!
Hey, I just bought a thunderstorm orchid! Nice to know it has scent. If Eddies orchid made it through the fridge why not mine? Hopefully mine will flower soon, it is in a three inch pot. Bet it flowers before my stinking phal does.
unless you keep your fridge at, let's say, 60F I would not do it with a Phal...
if you want to be dramatic with your action, just put the plant outside, it will surely shows it its time to spike or die!! why wasting precious space in your fridgethat could actually be filled with great beer or white wine?
This is about the craziest thread I've ever read....
Growing orchids is entirely about patience and nurturing, not abuse. Stressing your plants can make them bloom but usually the plants don't appreciate it.
Phalaenopsis enjoy warmth and humidity. A bit of patience will produce flowers when the plant is mature enough to bloom. They do NOT need a cold snap to bloom........