I just found out I made a really big mistake. I cut the spikes of my violacea species. The flowers dropped off, so I cut them off to redirect the plants energy into growth. Does anyone know if it will eventually re-spike?
How short did you cut them? If you have even one node they MIGHT respike from the original spike. Don't worry, they will respike next year and many will grow double spikes.
Many species shouldn't have their spikes removed. A good gauge is if the spikes are shorter than a standard phal, the plants has fewer blooms and the texture of the blooms is thick, don't cut them off unless it turns brown.
Hybrids with the species up close in the pedigree will also follow this pattern.
it should grow more spikes, i've seen as many as 5 on one growth, but it's possible to have more. as brooke said, if there's any nodes left on the spikes, they might branch off. if it has any new growths, those should also produce spikes. how many spikes did you cut off? and did it produce new growths?
I cut them off completely! I wasn't paying enough attention and simply treated this new orchid as I do my phals I only found out I shouldn't have done that because I clicked a link on the rePotme website, and there it was, plain as day! I'm obviously a newbie, and I feel so stupid!
It really depends. I have a few violaceas (bellina, var alba, var coerulea, etc).. and sometimes the spike turns yellow after a few flowerings, so I cut it off at the base, and it puts out a new spike in as little as a month! The longest it takes to "re-spike" is about 6 months. BUT! the new spikes are often quite slow growing so you have to wait a while before you'll see flower again.