im losing hope now... sigh! this is going to be my last resort on saving these 2 orchids. as ive said ive been worrying everyday why come these two of mine isnt growing any new roots. i just place them in a slab with little moss.. and watered it everyday! its like the hardest orchid i have taken cared of! *renanthera and aerides. so i ended up putting them in pots with charcoal and tree fern u think i did the right choice? its been 3 months now... i just cant stand looking at their stunted growth! aerides is now dying! which i dont know why... anyway i hope you guys could give me advice on this! i dont overwater them. theyre dry at nyt.
ok i decided to just leave the other one in a tree. since the look of it oh i dunno i dont wanna see him dying lol!
Last edited by frostedeyes; 10-30-2008 at 07:51 PM..
Reason: adding pics
Those are vandaceous, so they should be fine in your climate. What's the humidity like? I have both, and I grow them bare root and water them everyday. It's hard to tell what could be wrong.
yeah its pretty weird like i use the unchlorinated water in watering. humidity is fine i think... i mean my oncidiums, dendros, phals-not sure i just bought it) are doing perfect blooming already! i just bought these and i expect a few weeks or months new roots will shoot! but hey its already 3 months so i expect somethings wrong. i tried rooting hormone. well do u think potting them is a good choice? i hope someone would tell me its ok to pot with aerides and renanthera! and the medium i use is fine... just wanna be sure! i think ill just water them daily since i use a porous pot. well i just tried to increase more humidity went to go for a baking tray and use a fern slab as a foundation for my pots! filled with water! sigh! this is really killing me!
Are they getting enough nutrients, light? Any pest problems as of yet?
It sounds if you're growing and giving them everything you can they might just be bum plants, and it happens sometimes