Zygos are really very cool plants...the flowers are stunning and you're right the scent is amazing!
Mine (when outside) gets dappled morning light for a few hours and then sits in full on shade (bright but shaded) fo the remainder of the day...it get misted twice daily and I water/feed it every week-end with RO water and MSU fert...I grow my zygo the same way I grow my stanhopea and my gongora
Be careful not to let the plant stay
wet but I've noticed that mine prefers to be moist most of the time- drainge (as with all orchids) is the key here...if a zygo stays wet then the leaves will turn yellow (or brown) and die off...mine got too wet during our summer thunderstorms and I lost entire clumps of new growth.
Hope this helps...keep us posted and