Originally Posted by playtime8978
 I recently purchased a Dendrobium williamsonii in bud. I have lost all 3 buds it had to bud blast. I have found out I kept it to warm and too wet  and as it took about 2 and a half weeks for the buds to drop I am thinking it was my mistakes rather than change in conditons from getting it from the nursery that caused this. There were two buds on one cane and one bud on another there are 2 or 3 canes that did not have buds on and are growing, my question is what are my chances of getting buds on these this year? or do I have to be patient and hope I can flower it next year. Any tips on what I should do if there are any chances of more buds this year?

To my opinion, I don't think Dendrobiums don't like too wet. It should expose to almost full sun if it's a warm growing type. And the media should be dry before another watering. For the more flowering, use fertilizer like 21:21:21 or slow releasing type; 14:14:14 which is more handy

. I would prefer the latter one cos its easy and you don't need to take time on fertilizing ur plants except using or replacing monthly. Beware that u should water and fertilize more than normal when there's new growth until it's matured but not excess

to make it to bloom more flowers.
If my advice don't work, it's the best i can do. Thx.