What alliance is a Roth Koolau Starbright 'Elizabeth' in?
Well, I thought I wasn't such a newbie anymore but I 'inherited' a few orchids plus bought a new blc last night and discovered that I have absolutely no idea what alliance my 'roth' is in. It seems to be somewhat cat like but also a little bit bulb-ish. I have no idea what it needs or wants. Can anyone help?
I believe that Roth is short for Rothara. These are made by crossing Brassavola x Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia x Sophronitis. So that would put it in the Cattleya Alliance! I don't grow any plants in this alliance, so I can't help you with the care unfortunately.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....