In case someone hasn't read any of my posts over the past months, I have a spidermite issue that DOESN'T seem to go away. I spray regularly, but I always find one or two on the new growths.
Anyways, the point of this post it to warn people to watch your buds when spraying for bugs-- I use safer's insecticidal soap. My milt. has been sprayed about ten times since I discovered a new spike. Up until two weeks ago, the buds were fine, but after they began to develop the petals and became more delicate, the isecticidal soap burnt the tips of the petals.
The buds are starting to open, but about hald of the three main petals are brown and papery and crispy
So watch out!!
But, my Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' is going to open soon, as well as a Odcm. Hansulei Isler, and Onc. Twinkle!

Which makes up for the miltoniopsis issue

but at least they will still smell nice