My small vanda orchids just recently arrive and they were shipped bare roots. I was wondering if I can put them in the basket or pot them with medium coconut husk chips.
Vandas, for the most part, like to be watered and fed frequently and heavily, but dry out rapidly - hours, not days. In my greenhouse, that translates to no medium in the basket whatsoever for many of them, and EpiWeb and coconut husk fiber both seem to work as well.
In a dry home environment, you might get away with something a bit more moisture retentive.
I grow my vandas outside during the summer and inside my home during the winter. Home growing, as opposed to greenhouse growing, can be a challenge.
I use a terracotta pot filled with broken terracotta pot shards around the roots. I also top dress the pots loosely with course bark to help retain some moisture (the bark is replaced on a yearly basis). Aerial roots are misted one to two times a day.
Coconut husks should be fine if packed loosely enough to allow for good airflow. Just watch for shriveling in the plant and act accordingly.
I grow my vanda in my 6 by 8 green house. The mist systems automatically turn on three times per days for 3 or 4 minutes each time. Sometimes I am scared that I over mist my plant especially cold weather is arriving. I have a section in my green house where mist don't touch my phalaenopsis. I don't want water get into the crown and kill my phalaenopsis orchids.
Under those conditions, I would stay away from any medium that would stay wet between mistings.
Also, try to adjust the timer to only mist early in the day during winter - maybe less frequently too, depending upon how tight your GH is - so plants will be dry once evening arrives.