All of mine to a lesser or bigger degree, get a rest from the water/fertilizer intake than what they receive in the warmer months.
Dends that were getting watered every 5 or so days in summer, get watered every 10-14 days in winter - no fertilizer. Same with Phals, from every 5-7 days in summer to about 8-10 days in winter and so on for the rest except Toulminias (Hi Ramon

. Everyone here has repeated my sentiments about these being exluded, already), every 5-7 days, continuously throughout the year (in charcoal and a little bark).
My winter rest will begin later than others who are living in colder climate. I'm letting the weather here, dictate when to stop, probably around mid November for:
Dend. anosmum
Dend. parishii
Dend. Oriental Smiles (nobile)
Dend. Upin King "Serenade" (nobile)
(all fertilizing was stopped in late August for the above)
Catasetum - 2 of which are growing now so their leaves will tell me when to stop. One is already resting.
Ctsm. imperiale x Ctsm. (Thinger Dinger x expansum)
(2) Cls. warseewieczil x Ctsm. expansum
I know this topic is strictly for winter rest but I'm curious to know about this "hairy" orchid mentioned and also, Barkeria.