I'm having a horrible time figuring out the watering/ wintering requirements of my gaggle of orchids. The species vary greatly which has never been an issue. Moving them inside before a low in the 30's seems to have done some mincing...
All of my mounted orchids where growing like wildfire.. ROOTS everywhere.. to the point of being annoying.
Now INDOORS with the new air-handler and a shift over from AC to heating.... the humidity at home has plummeted. I keep them all localized so that the micro-climate has a degree of humidity but the worrying part is how these roots look.
The fleshy green jade and wonderful-ness has SIGNIFICANTLY slowed if not stopped. I find I am in a panic constantly checking back to see if I should spritz them with a mist of water. Worried about wrinkles on leaves and in psuedo bulbs that I have JUST dragged back from the prune looking abyss.
Moisture trays abound but with the light intermittent at best and skies overcast to the point of dusk all day at it's worst!
I'm thinking Global warming is going to be the death of my nerves.(yes I refuse florescent bulbs! Burning fossil fuels that screw up orchids and habitat to make sun that comes naturally is inherently wrong)
Anyone have any experience in shifting humidity and temperatures due to new fangled household climate control?
Anyone have a suggested heating schedule that may help with this? I can dial it in to the degree for the time periods across the day. I wonder should I stress about heats relation to solar footprint or is this overdoing it?
Should we also account for heating and the offset of solar energy when wintering our chids in our homes? Can there be some magic formula for this? Does anyone know it?