Which orchids in your collection get a winter rest?
I've managed to read all the entries on this discussion and have questions as to whether the following Dends need rest or not.
D. amethystoglossum
Aussie Chip
Little Sweet Scent
And many thanks to those who took the time to list the plants that did need rest.
Beverly A.
Which orchids in your collection get a winter rest?
After reading everything, I went in search of the book mentioned "Dendrobiums and its relatives". First place had it at $39.00+$20.00 shipping from OZ. Well that's a bit much so I went to Barnes and Noble. They had a special deal for $6.28+shipping+tax. Total $11.12
Hopefully, it will answer some of my questions regarding the care and feeding of this diverse group.
Beverly A.
When you have an orchid that requires a winter rest or no fertilizer, etc. does that apply only to mature orchids or to seedlings (or little more than seedlings) also? Is winter rest for orchids that have bloomed at least once?
I shouldn't think seedlings should be rested, but plants that are big enough to flower may need the rest to stimulate flowering eg Dendrobium nobile types
I was advised recently that my keiki of Den Stardust should NOT be given the winter rest that it's parent is getting. I think the same would go for seedlings as well.
The advice was to let it get established first and for a keiki miss at least the first winter rest, then judge it's size the second winter and only give the winter rest if it seems big enough.
I have heard some people rest even smaller orchids that are 1-2 years away from blooming size and other people who have given the rest only to orchids that need it for flowering. I have heard some people post in different places that they keep seedlings and smaller orchids in like conditions all year and it produces larger and more hardy plants when they are ready to bloom. I also believe it is more length of daylight hours that forces temperate orchids to go dormant and then when spring arrives, they begin to flower. I am pretty sure that den amethystoglossum and similae need cooler temps and dryer conditions in winter and shorter days as well in order to flower in spring.