Originally Posted by Sandy4453
One thing to consider Tami, especially with Dends is, the best time to do a re-pot is when they're growing. If you see a lot of root growth or other activity (more bulbs before roots), it's a good time to repot. You want those roots to start grabbing on to the new medium and the tighter the pot, the better. You want the medium to dry out and not slowly. I have all of my Dends. in plastic too, in fact all of my orchids are in plastic. They like getting bone dry before they get wet again. In winter, here in Fla., I typically water them every 10-14 days, depending on the weather. The dryer, the better!
As of now I have absolutely nothing in bloom aside from flowering bonsai's and have good growth on the first Den pic. As soon as the plastic arrives she's going in it.
The second Den, well I pulled it up and discovered dead DEAD roots and mold, maybe 3-4 possibly salvageable. I immediately rinsed it, soaked in Listerine, removed all dead roots and old medium, gave it a soak in sugar water with a weak mixture of blooming fertilizer (no growth hormone so I figured it may help) rinsed well and into a bag with rung out moss it went.
I don't know if she'll make it but I'm giving it my best try.
I realize now that I am over watering PLUS I have them on a covered screened porch N. facing, up against the screen for the best light.

they are also getting water when rain comes through the screening.
For years I've been into bonsai's and they thrive when moist, very few tree's need to dry out between watering and they love getting extra water from rain showers (just not sloppy wet) I used what I know on Orchids and paid the price.
Great lesson learned!!!!
Now if I can only get through the entire growing medium, mounting vs potting, fertilizer, fungicide debates, I'll be all set!!!