I know alot of you talk about using rain water instead of tap water to water your chids. I know this is because its more pure. This might be a stupid questions but seeing as I live in Michigan and we have a basement and we run a dehumifier all day everyday would the water collected in that be pure ? Mom thought it might be and its better then me waiting around for the rain.
Yeap. Water fron the dehumidifer should be quite pure. Make sure your collection tray is clean. Depending on your local water supply the water from the dehumibifer should have low solids and therefore be better for your plants.
Last edited by lostonthebeach; 06-30-2008 at 05:33 PM..
It is not only a question of being pure , rain water is high in dissolved oxygen which makes it very beneficial for your plants it helps the plants take up the nutrients that they need . This is one of the reasons why plants have a growth spurt after good rains You can replace the dissolved oxygen in any water source by using an aquarium aerator
I must say that my orchids LOVE the rain water. They are all outside under the Avocato tree and since it's reainy season they get showered often besides me misting them daily specially the Vandas. They all have new growths and roots and looking gorgeous.
Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids.
I'd stay clear of water from a dehumidifier. In theory, the condensed water is pure. In reality, it is loaded with mold spores and such from standing stagnet in your basement.
I have a 40 gal trash can at the bottom of a downspout collecting rainwater. Works well and its cheap. Good luck.
My hubby put a rainbarrel on each side of the house...and then added a third outside his shed out back. We save our gallon tea jugs (about 40 of them! ) and keep them filled and stocked
We have way too much time here with no rain so we like having a backup. When they run out, it's time to use the RO water and pray for rain
I use "regular" water for the "regular" plants but the chids only get rain water.
I really doubt that dehumidifier condensate is so contaminated that it would be unusuable. One might also argue that A/C condensate is loaded with pollen, spores and the like from the outdoor air, and what about the rainwater collected imediately after it starts raining? You KNOW there's all sorts of crud settled on that!
In reality, all of those sources are acceptable, and have been used for years.
On the other hand, you can take all of the guesswork out of it and for a small investment, get an RO system.
I use a 4 filter RO unit and then add pure water ferts and a couple of drops of KLN. I would love to collect rain water but I've been afraid of the tannins from the MULTITUDE of oak trees on my property...I'd wind up with "oak tree tea"...YUCK!