Originally Posted by nickel525
Hi everyone, I live in tropical South Florida and I was wondering if it was economical to buy an orchid during the winter "season". I'm considering buying an already blooming, or half blooming Phal. at Home Depot/Lowes. But I'm worried because I know it's the really the season for orchids to be blooming (unless its normal for South Fla which I don't know if it is) and my first two and only two phal orchids that I have bought...from other sources (nursery and whole foods grocery store) have died (not at the same time...two seperate situations).
Does anyone have any guidelines for me?
Should I just be paitent and wait for the spring season before I buy another orchid? I thought about buying a bulb and starting fromm scratch, but I thought that a spiked orchid might be easier to nuture.
I need all kinds of help.
Generally, what is most economical, is buying orchids when they are not flowering. However, unless you really know which one it is, you probably should buy in flower to know what you are getting (especially at first). I like the sit back and wait approach, but also want immediate gratification, so I almost always buy something in bloom too or else I end up looking again within a couple days. I need flowers to satisfy my craving!
All that being said, economical or not, the best quality plant will probably not be coming from Home Depot or Lowe's unless purchased right after the grower delivers them. I find that within a couple days they start looking bad, getting under or overwatered, etc. Also, alot of the time the growers will have better prices anyway and can give you really good culture information. Living in South FL you are surrounded by growers so I say take the road trip and visit them! It is fun too!
Lastly, you can always buy seedlings or other not blooming size plants for less price, but that will be years before you get flowers. I think you should buy one with flowers to enjoy just in case you don't ever get to see them again. And FYI, orchids come from seeds not bulbs for future reference.
So, lastly if you do decide to go purchase from Lowe's/HD I recommend asking them when they get new shipments in and getting there that day or the next day to make your pic. I also would be careful of Phals that get left there too long as they get prone to overwatering and root rot. I think their Dendrobiums are usually pretty hardy though.
Tell us what you chooose.