First of all, welcome to the forum. Your first question is a very good one.
In regard to the changing of fertilizers during certain months of the year, I will give you a rather simple, beginner-type explanation: Apply high nitrogen in the spring and early summer, when rapid growth is occurring, to promote growth; low nitrogen in the fall and early winter so the other fertilizer ingredients can promote bloom strength. No fertilizer or a balanced fertilizer during the cold/wet months.
That being said, if you ask ten more members of this Forum, you will get 11 different answers.

That is just the way of orchid growers, and after listening to all we have to say, you will end up doing what works best for you.
Nitrogen is used to promote growth and the lowering of nitrogen allows other elements of the fertilizer to take over and convert the plant energy into bloom production.
How does this relate you ask, to the bottle of fertilizer I buy? Nitrogen is the first number in the formula on the container. So for now, higher first number for growth formula and lower first number for bloom formula. These are usually applied at a diluted rate each week of the month with a flush with straight water on the fourth week.
Simple? Now the rest of the Forum can join in and explain the complicated nature and thoughts on ammoniacal nitrogen vs urea and the benefits of potassium and phosphorus.
Personally, I have become a recent fan of Dynamite (the fertilizer, not the boom boom thing!) Slow release granules applied every 6-8 months and watered in with plain water when you water. Simple and uncomplicated to give you time to do other things with your hobby.
Best of luck and good growing.
Cym Ladye