My husband purchased me an orchid about a year ago. I ended up killing it. I begged and begged for him to buy me another one but he wouldn't. He finally did on my birthday this year and it was doing great. It got exposed to a little bit of sun today, but I'm not sure if the leaves are sunburned or if its because I wasn't watering it enough (I sort of am afraid to because I over-watered my last one).
Anyway, I don't want this plant to die... Does anyone know what caused the brown leaves like this? Only the right side has the browning. And what can I do to make sure it survives? I've read all sorts of things that talk about humidity (I live in the desert), and heat and lighting, but everything seems to be contradictory and some people tell me "They're the easiest plants ever, you just leave them alone". THAT didn't work for me either.
Help me !!! Its a Phal orchid, obviously. I've included a photo of the browning leaves and a photo of the blooms, just for the pretty factor.

Here are the browning leaves.