I have one, a Miltassia "Royal Robe" Jerry's Pick.
It's been an extremely easy orchid. Very tolerant of underwatering, as long as it gets a 1/2 hour bucket soak when the bulbs shrivel. It's a really fast grower. Mine multiplied from 6 bulbs to >20 in less than a year. It gave 2 spikes in August, and it's giving 3 more spikes now, in January!
I think it likes as much light as it can handle without sunburning. Though, I have it in a southeast window, not outdoors. It "rested" during November - much lower light, no feeding, little water.
The room it's in is never heated, pretty much because the plant is on the radiator! So, it gets temperature variations from occasional <50'sF, at night in the winter, to >80'sF and higher on sunny spring and fall days. Summers are pretty cool here with lots of fog.