You have made at least 3 very frustrated posts. I have answered each. I too am new at this.
I wonder if you have read any overview books on orchid growing? I found that did me a lot of good. This forum is a wonderful place to get information but often it is very personalized. Books try to be more general. The two that I am going to recommend are inexpensive and direct a good portion to the new grower, trying to find what to grow and how to handle beginners conditions.
Others may criticize my first which is "Orchids for Dummies" It is an easy read and like other Dummies books has a lot of learning aids. I don't find much there that is extremely controversial. The other, which may be out of print in this title but has been replaced by a similarly well regarded book is "Ortho' All About Orchids".
These were my bibles when I first started and I still refer to them frequently.
Don't get discouraged. Assess your challenges, as you have been doing. And try to conquer them
Last edited by cirillonb; 09-22-2008 at 01:09 PM..
Reason: typos