First I should say that my Phal is not
actually in Sphag 'n' bag. It is too big to properly go in a bag so I've adapted the technique based on my understanding of the principles.
The phal is resting over a ceramic pot which usually goes outside it's clear plastic pot. The large leaves are resting on the edges of the pot and the small bits of roots are hanging loose down into the pot. There is water in the bottom of the pot well out of reach of the small roots.
Now it has been this way a couple of months and I daily mist the roots and have kept it alive that way. But I really want to raise the humidity because some of it's leaves are wrinkled and one is yellow and about to drop off. Also the small stub roots are not actually growing and I need to encourage some root growth.
I have tried a few times to put a bag over the top of the whole setup. When I do this one of the leaves which is wrinkled and weak (but not yellow) get's noticably stronger overnight
(I have to use two food bags, slit down the side then taped together to fit over the large leaves.)
but each time I have done this I have noticed white filaments of mold growth on it the next day. (on the roots and base of the plant)
The first time this happened I cleaned the plant (listerine and cinnomon) but did not think to clean the pot or change the bag. Next time it came back I cleaned the plant again, cleaned the pot in soapy water and got new bags. It came back again!
I then cleaned everything again and left it without a bag for a couple of weeks (still spraying the root stubs regularly)... no mold...
Yesterday I put a bag over it again (a new couple of bags taped together), this morning...
stronger leaves... but
The plant seems to be liking the bag, because it's leaves get stronger when the bag is keeping in the humidity. But I get the mold every time I do this!
What can I do? Please