Hi All...
I just repot my sick Cymb's and on my first 2 plants the root looked good and with no sign of root rot but my last plant the root started to rot but lucky i have another new root shots coming out from a younger bulb .
here some photos .... what do you guys thing???
P.S: Thanks for all your help much appreciated
Last edited by G.Alves; 09-14-2008 at 09:25 PM..
Reason: mispelling
wash the roots with tepid water and remove the outer sheaths of the dead ones, they should be easily peeled, then repot into a slightly drier media to prevent any further rot from occuring. try to keep them pot bound so chances of rot are reduced.
If you realllllllyyy have to water your cymb. (some people have a hard time fighting the watering compulsion) I would suggest potting in a ceramic/terracotta pot, and placing a fan to help dry the medium out.