Brand new here, need help with blossoms
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Old 10-17-2005, 08:16 PM
Silent Running Silent Running is offline
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Default Brand new here, need help with blossoms

Hi there,

I'm new here, am a total beginner and have recently acquired my first orchid. It's a phalaenopsis that I got from Trader Joe's. It looked healthy enough in the store when I got it, with 3 opened blossoms and 4 buds beyond the open ones. Since then (about 4 days), 3 of the 4 buds have fallen off the stalk. Is this a watering issue? It looked like they were somewhat shriveled. The 4th one still looks crisp, so I'm hoping it stays on there. The opened blossoms look very nice still. I've been reading the Ortho book for tips and noticed that the growing medium was kind of dry, so I watered it yesterday. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!
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Old 10-18-2005, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: Brand new here, need help with blossoms

Originally Posted by Silent Running
Hi there,

I'm new here, am a total beginner and have recently acquired my first orchid. It's a phalaenopsis that I got from Trader Joe's. It looked healthy enough in the store when I got it, with 3 opened blossoms and 4 buds beyond the open ones. Since then (about 4 days), 3 of the 4 buds have fallen off the stalk. Is this a watering issue? It looked like they were somewhat shriveled. The 4th one still looks crisp, so I'm hoping it stays on there. The opened blossoms look very nice still. I've been reading the Ortho book for tips and noticed that the growing medium was kind of dry, so I watered it yesterday. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!
You may have just gotten unlucky, those flowers could have been open for a long time before you bought the plant. They don't last forever. And sometimes the stress of being in one of those scary big stores doesn't help, nor the stress of moving to a new house.

Keep an eye on the plant. If the unopened buds shrivel and fall off, then you have a problem. The Ortho book is a good start, but don't hesitate to ask questions. It is a lot easier to learn by doing than by reading, sometimes.

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Old 10-18-2005, 12:09 PM
Silent Running Silent Running is offline
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Thanks Rob, it was the unopened buds that fell off. What does that indicate? The opened ones still look great. As of this morning, the fall off seems to have stopped (there is still 1 unopened bud). Thanks again!
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Old 10-18-2005, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Silent Running
Thanks Rob, it was the unopened buds that fell off. What does that indicate? The opened ones still look great. As of this morning, the fall off seems to have stopped (there is still 1 unopened bud). Thanks again!
Oh... Sorry, I misread the initial post. In my experience it is usually temperature shock that blasts buds on new phals. But it isn't really the right time of year for that. You don't still have the air conditioning on, do you? Putting a plant in front of a heating (or cooling) duct is a little risky. It could have been underwatering. Could have been any number of different stresses.

Keep an eye on the watering (use your finger or a sharpened pencil to check for moisture). I'd wager reasonably good money that your orchid is either over potted or has been too wet, and there is probably substantial root loss. That is just based on a lot of 'big box store' phals that I've seen, never seen your plant, of course. But, unless the leaves start to get wilted, you should probably put off repotting it until after your current set of flowers is gone.

All of this is a great reason that your next orchid plant should be purchased from a reputable, preferrably local, orchid specialist. Failing that, there are plenty of good internet vendors, but I think it is still better to get plants locally. If for no reason other than you will get to see lots of good plants in person and ask all the questions you want. These folks need your business and you will get better plants. Often less expensively, too. Big stores are great for disposable plants, but if you are hooked (and you probably are) on orchids, it rapidly becomes more trouble than it is worth to get plants from these places.
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blossoms, buds, looked, nice, shriveled, brand

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