I also have a mystery plant that appears to be a miltassia. It seems happy and put up 2 shoots this year and is currently blooming. So, I guess it likes my conditions, but I grow outdoors in Florida so most orchids like my conditions.
I keep mine in a bark mix with charcoal, perlite and a little bit of spaghnum moss mixed in to aid in moisture retention. It seemed to have fine somewhat short roots to me, so I used smaller to medium sized bark. I also put it in 4" pot because it wasn't very stable, and it seems to like be in close quarters. Other then that, I water it when the medium dries out all the way (about ever 2-4 days here) and fertilize weekly weakly along with all my other orchids. I also use suprethrive when I fertilize. I also give it pretty bright light. It will tell you if it's too much because the leaves will show burn quickly. Good luck!