I think the plants in the first post are supposed to be easy to grow. Paph. Honey is a primary hybrid between phillippinense and primulinum. Paph. primulinum, as I heard, is a fast grower and very easy to grow and blooms for a long time. So I think the Paph will do fine under your condition. Peggy Ruth and Twinkle are really famous hybrids and easy to grow. I think it should be the same for the Dgmra, easy to grow. Personally, I had the Twinkle and they spread like crazy. Keep this guy at Intermediate to cool location because one of its parent is a cool growing species (O. ornithorhynchum, I don't know about the other one though)
About the orange flower, I think it's a mix between the 3 species Oncidium, Cochlioda, and Odontoglossum (Oda = Cochlioda x Odontoglossum). Cochlioda and Odontoglossum are cloud forest orchids so generally, they prefer cool night and very high humidity. Therefore, I figure this hybrid would like a lot of humidity, Intermediate during the day and Cool at night. Any suggestion?
As for light, keep them medium including the paph. A bright East Window is good enough.
I think the last one is gonna be a little tough. We hope more people will give suggestion on this.
P/S: I love the Peggy Ruth. So charming!!