I am running out of fence to hang baskets on because everyone keeps giving me new Orchids.
So two questions:
I understand I can just cut down beside the main stem and then mount or plant this bunch of roots. I’m talking about plants with roots growing out the top and sides. I need to do something.
To hang them on a tree should I put half a coconut against the roots as a cover?
If sympodial, I would wait until new growth emerges so that new root growth will firmly attatch it to the tree.
More than anything try a few out, and learn from the experience once they start growing. Things to consider is position of new growth (is it pendant or not) ultimate size and the length of the flower spike which, if very large, may be hidden in the foliage of the tree.
I can't mount to trees due to cold winters, but I've read about some people attaching orchids to trees using panty hose (women's stockings). Sounded like a good idea as they stretch, will hold firmly, and will not damage roots.
I'm sorry, I don't even know what Genus of Orchids I have and I can't find a book yet.
I am going to make a point to inventory with all information on each plant.