Worried about Vanda...
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Old 08-30-2008, 07:44 AM
Lene Th. Lene Th. is offline
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Default Worried about Vanda...

I bought a new Vanda a week and a half ago, and i got it a bit cheaper becourse its condition. It was a bit dehydratet, with shriveled roots and leafs.
It had a lot of roots, but some of those where very dryed out, almost like strngs, not plump as they should be. And some seemed good, plump but white unless just after watering when they turned green. There where some new roots-growth at the tip of the shriveled roots, that got green when watering.
Now the roots seems to got worse... Its lost some of the shriveled under watering, and the tips turns yellow after watering instead of green. Those who where green from the beginning, and plump, still looks good, but theres not as many of those that i would preffere... Its growing a new leaf as well, but its still between the top leafs. This was present when i bougth it.

In the day, when its warm and sunny it is outside, but now comes the autum here, and theres less of those sunny days. If it is raining, or is colder, its hanging in a south window during the day, and abowe an open terrarium (to encrease humidity) during the night. It gets a little exstra light in the evening, when i move it abowe the terrarium so it will get about 10 hours with light. I also have a fan thats running some hours every day. It getting water/misted every day when it warm and sunny, and about every third day when its cloudy, and its getting the extra light.

Now to the worry... When i water, some of the roots does not turn green, but yellow. Mostly its the tips of the shriveled ones. And the leafs are still shriveled.

Some pics will show what i mean...
The first is before watering, the second is of the leafs. The last two is after watering, and shows the colors, green and yellow...

What am i doing wrong!?!

Worried about Vanda...-img_1938-jpgWorried about Vanda...-img_1939-jpgWorried about Vanda...-img_1940-jpgWorried about Vanda...-img_1941-jpg

Last edited by Lene Th.; 08-30-2008 at 07:48 AM..
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Old 08-30-2008, 09:01 AM
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Hard to say for sure, but they like it very warm, so if you're allowing it to ever get below about 15°C, that could contribute to the issues.

What is the temperature of the water you irrigate with?
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 08-30-2008, 09:32 AM
Lene Th. Lene Th. is offline
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"irrigate"? Sorry, but i dont know the word...

I always use body-tempratured water to both mist and dunk, but the water it is standing above at night (the terrarium) is cold water.
Now i have trimmed away those shriveled roots, and placed it above a vase with a little water in the bottom. Its still in the south-facing window.

Dont know if this was the wisest thing to do, thoug...

Worried about Vanda...-img_1944-jpgWorried about Vanda...-img_1945-jpg

Edit, i forgot the pics...
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Old 08-30-2008, 10:03 AM
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Hi Lene

"Irrigate" is another word for the act of watering.

The plant doesn't look "bad", just needs a little help.
I think you did the right thing with the vase...some folks here have been having a lot of success using that method.

Please keep us updated
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day, green, roots, shriveled, watering, vanda, worried

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