So, I repotted my phal for the first time today. I hope I did so successfully. I took some pictures of the roots to get some opinions on it. Does this look pretty okay? And also, there are 3 stalks (insert technical term here) Does this mean i can split it? If so how would i go about doign that? Would it be healthier if i did so? It seems there were a lot of dead roots around one side that I had to cut, would that effect the success of splitting?
One more question and I'll be done... How long after repotting should i see some growth or just know that I didn't kill it?
Hi Jenn. It is a Dendrobium, probably a nobile type. Don't split it. They do better as a larger specimen with many canes. (Psst canes is the technical term ) Phals don't have canes. They look like this: