Dark Green/Red leaves on Phal
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Old 08-16-2008, 08:38 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Default Dark Green/Red leaves on Phal

First of all thanks to everyone who gave advice a few weeks ago when one of my Phal's dried out while I was away.

The good news is that there is both a new arial root which has appeared since then (and two existing arial roots have started growing again), and this morning I noticed the very tip of a brand new leaf appearing.

But I am still worried about it for a couple of reasons...

First, it's leaves are very dark green/red. It is in the same window as my other two Phals and they are a brighter green. (They get morning sun, then the sun moves to the side where there are no windows, then in the afternoon/evening the sun shines through a window oposite and 5m away.)

Could this be linked to the fact it got really dry (dry enough to loose half it's leaves)?

Could it be short of nutrients? I read that nitrogen is required for photosynthesis and I have not been fertelising this one while it was recovering. I was thinking of fertelising it this weekend when I do the others, is that a good idea or not?

Is this something I should be worried about, is there something I should be doing?

Secondly, since it lost the lower leaves it wobbles a bit. I can still pick up the plant at the base and the pot stays on (which I know is a test for whether it has been potted tightly enough).

I am worried that there is a problem with the roots in the pot and this is why it is wobbling (and also why it dried out so easily, although it is in new bark which is drying quickly). I can't see any roots through the clear pot or on the surface, but then I've not been able to see any ever since it was re-potted in April. I can see three long arial roots, two of which are growing new tips, and a new arial root is starting to grow, but I have no idea what the roots in the pot are like (I last saw then in April when I re-potted at which time there were lots and they were healthy).

Should I remove it from the pot and take a look?
I'm worried about disturbing it when it's still recovering but I'm also worried that the roots may be in trouble.

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Old 08-16-2008, 08:57 AM
Brooke Brooke is offline
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You will feel better if you take a peek and phals don't mind people looking at their roots :>)

The green/red coloration on your phal is probably very normal and just guessing, but the blooms will probably be in the purple/pink range.

As new roots emerge, try to direct them into the media rather than wandering about. It is much easier to keep them moist than having to rely on humidity for the moisture.

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Old 08-16-2008, 09:06 AM
Bird Song Farm Bird Song Farm is offline
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What Brooke said.

I might add that if the wobble is really bothering you, you might top off the pot with more bark.
I'd tend to use S. moss as this helps with humidity, especially for the new ariel roots.....
If you try to direct them down, be careful and make sure they are good and wet before trying and bend slowly.........they break VERY easily.
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Old 08-16-2008, 09:06 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Ah... yes it's got loverly purple flowers. The other two have pale pink/white flowers and lighter leaves.

I guess I was just starting to worry about it's leaf colour because it's been ill. It's very possible it's not changed at all and is just different to the other two.

I'll take a look at the roots soon and see what they are like and I'll do like you say and direct the new ones into the medium.

Thanks Brooke
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Old 08-16-2008, 09:09 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Originally Posted by Bird Song Farm View Post
If you try to direct them down, be careful and make sure they are good and wet before trying and bend slowly.........they break VERY easily.
Sure will, the new one is currently growing straight downwards anyway so if I can just encorage it to keep that track it should go into the medium.
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Old 08-16-2008, 12:26 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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Some Phals are more light-sensitive than others. It's possible that this one likes a bit less light. Red is often an indication that a Phal is getting a bit too much. Try moving it a few inches farther from the window.
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Old 08-16-2008, 12:48 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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OK, I'm happy with the leaf colour now. Looking back at old photos from about a year ago it DOES have darker leaves that the other two.

But looking at the roots I'm more than a bit worried.
Some of them are brown and hollow (although not mushy).

I'm starting a new thread with pictures of the roots.
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Old 08-16-2008, 01:42 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Originally Posted by jkofferdahl View Post
Some Phals are more light-sensitive than others. It's possible that this one likes a bit less light. Red is often an indication that a Phal is getting a bit too much. Try moving it a few inches farther from the window.
Thanks, I'll try that. Also thanks to everyone for your comments here. I realised I didn't say thank you in my previous replies so I'm sorry about that. Just a little stressed because I've found the roots of this plant are so bad (see my other post).

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Old 08-17-2008, 06:38 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Originally Posted by jkofferdahl View Post
Some Phals are more light-sensitive than others. It's possible that this one likes a bit less light. Red is often an indication that a Phal is getting a bit too much. Try moving it a few inches farther from the window.
Thanks for the advice, as well as all the other things I'm doing to try and save this guy's roots (see other posts) I've also moved it onto the sideboard just to the side of the window it was in.

One disadvantage is it doesn't get any light at all until I open the curtains, so I need to make sure I remember to do that every day, but I'm giving this one so much attention because of the root problems I'm unlikely to forget.
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arial, leaves, pot, roots, worried, phal, green/red, dark

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