There has been talk in the orchidgeeks forum of moving servers. I suspect this may be the cause of the unusually long downtime.
Yeah, well I love those people over there at Geeks, they're great. But I've still gotta feed my addiction 'ya know? So I'll get to love you people as well...
Yeah, well I love those people over there at Geeks, they're great. But I've still gotta feed my addiction 'ya know? So I'll get to love you people as well...
I lurk in/post to about 10 orchid forums with varying frequency. While I have no guilt about my lack of commitment to any one group, I am a little worried that one day they'll all confront me on Jerry Springer.
I lurk in/post to about 10 orchid forums with varying frequency. While I have no guilt about my lack of commitment to any one group, I am a little worried that one day they'll all confront me on Jerry Springer.
LOL! I don't think that orchid forums are necessarily a monogamous relationship!!
I lurk in/post to about 10 orchid forums with varying frequency. While I have no guilt about my lack of commitment to any one group, I am a little worried that one day they'll all confront me on Jerry Springer.
10 orchid forums!! Yikes. Gonna end up with a lot of 'chids if you keep that up!
I lurk in/post to about 10 orchid forums with varying frequency. While I have no guilt about my lack of commitment to any one group, I am a little worried that one day they'll all confront me on Jerry Springer.