Originally Posted by Swamper
These are actually good pic sizes for me, cause I can zoom in or out. I love it. I don't know why you started a new thread though cause I had to go back to the other one to read the original question. I don't know their names though but I do have 2 questions for you.
1.Are they from the wild/forest?
2.What if any are restrictions for picking or removing orchids or any other plant from the forest?
Yes They are from the wild forest, the begin of the Amazon is in the Andes, I think my country is rich in species specially in this part of the Andes. This part is call the cloud forest, allways is cluod and rains and warm, is the perfect habitat for the orchids and for many insects and butterflys...
Yes I pick them in this forest, there's a lot of people that exploted clandestinely the fine wood like cedro and caoba, these people cut the primary forest ( where the orchids grow) they think the orchids is a kind of grass and they throw away... I took them from a tree in the floor ... they are going to die in the sun...
I read that 3% of the amazon is cut every year ... it's a problem....
Here we have no restrictions to remove plants of the forest.... it's a big problem and there's no control, the police is only checking the drugs.... but nothing with the species of orchids and with the animals....
Sorry about my english...