Wanted to see if anyone had some info or possibly steer me in the right direction to get some care info on Grammatophyllum scriptum var Citrinum? I am picking up a biggie next week.
Mine is in a big basket in Spag. moss , bright light some direct . It always loses a few leaves in the fall at that time I reduce the water not dry dry tho . It bloomed last year and is in spike now .
Watch it for mites they seem to grow their own .. Gin
Some are, some aren't...if they start looking stressed, I move them inside the room. There's a pole hung about a foot below the ceiling in the room, right behind the large screened area in this pic:
Gramm scriptum var citrinum Here's my post of what you have to look forward to. This one is still in bloom and looks great! The only major tip for you is that these plants like it BRIGHT! This is one of the few orchids that will appreciate lots of direct sunlight! Good luck!
I haven't been on for a while and looked up my old posts. I am glad I did so. I love that basket you are growing yours in.. I have mine totally removed and just sitting on a teak bench... and it is doing awesome.. I am afraid to plant it..lol. It was loosing all its leaves due to bad potting bark and whatever else was thrown in there. It was a mess but now has 3 new growths. I will definitely need to find a fancy basket like yours. I have mine in the pool screen patio area...so it is getting some nice sun.
Thanks for everyone input. I truly appreciate it.