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Old 07-28-2008, 11:39 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default TOTAL confusion...please help!

I have been reading some postings concerning fertilizing, and I have NEVER been so confused about something in my entire life...really! (lol [funny, but not hysterically funny]) Talk about some smart and very well versed! I am sooo new to "growing Orchids" that I have no earthly idea what they are talking about. I would very much like to learn how to grow them well, so don't get me wrong, but since this is entirely a new "hobby" and nothing more (music being my first love and main "hobby"), I don't feel the need to learn the intricate in "The Complete Knowledge Bank of the Ins-And-Outs of Orchid Fertilization". Somewhat "Basically-the-basics" for me, please. Thank you. Until I asked my husband a few mins. ago, I had no idea what ppm meant. Now I know it is parts per million. Bottom line: I really would appreciate it if someone won't mind helping me by letting me know if my 20-14-13 fertilizer is a good basic and general combination for Vandas, Catts, Phals, Miltonias, Dens., etc. or not. If not, will you please let me know what is? I understand that there are different combinations that are best for each specific plant-type, but I need to keep it simple and stick with a general one, as I said.
Thanks in advance,
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Old 07-28-2008, 11:58 PM
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isurus79 isurus79 is offline
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I know that lots of people like to get all crazy with thier fertilization regimes and try all kinds of whacky combos or try to over think what N-P-K combo will generate better growth for different species. Honestly, all you need to know is that a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 fertilizer is all you need. Whether you follow the instructions and feed every other week or choose to feed weakly, weekly, is up to you. A balanced fertilizer is a good starting point for any beginner or advanced grower. Ive been growing orchids for half my life (Im 28 years old, so Ive been growing 14 years) and I still use 20-20-20 fertilizer during the growing season 2-3x per month with an addition of fish fertilizer 1x per month. Some people will also try to sell you 2 types of fertilizer, 1 for growth and 1 for blooming (usually called bloom busters). Based on experience and from talking to industry experts here in Hawaii, I also think this is unnecessary. Just keep it simple!
Stephen Van Kampen-Lewis

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Old 07-29-2008, 12:21 AM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default thank you, Steve

Oh, thanks so much, Steve! "simplicity" know exactly what I'm trying to say. I really appreciate your help, and I'm on my way to buy different fertilizer tomorrow!

Originally Posted by isurus79 View Post
I know that lots of people like to get all crazy with thier fertilization regimes and try all kinds of whacky combos or try to over think what N-P-K combo will generate better growth for different species. Honestly, all you need to know is that a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 fertilizer is all you need. Whether you follow the instructions and feed every other week or choose to feed weakly, weekly, is up to you. A balanced fertilizer is a good starting point for any beginner or advanced grower. Ive been growing orchids for half my life (Im 28 years old, so Ive been growing 14 years) and I still use 20-20-20 fertilizer during the growing season 2-3x per month with an addition of fish fertilizer 1x per month. Some people will also try to sell you 2 types of fertilizer, 1 for growth and 1 for blooming (usually called bloom busters). Based on experience and from talking to industry experts here in Hawaii, I also think this is unnecessary. Just keep it simple!
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Old 07-29-2008, 01:48 AM
snow snow is offline
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one warning though about using fertilizers with urea. don,t !
ey burn the roots easily and built up salts in the media.
so only use orchid or natural fertilizers.
just my 2 canadian cts worth
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Old 07-29-2008, 03:55 AM
caseydoll caseydoll is offline
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In addition to the great advice already given, I wanted to add a couple links that may help you as well.

Fertilizers & Plant Nutrition

And here's a link to help you calculate how much fertilizer to use. You just plug in the numbers from your fertilizer label.

Fertilizer PPM Calculator
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Old 07-29-2008, 11:06 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default thanks, Snow

Thanks for letting me know, Snow. I knew that using a fert. with urea was bad, but I didn't know why...until now. I appreciate your "Canadian 2 cents worth"

Originally Posted by snow View Post
one warning though about using fertilizers with urea. don,t !
ey burn the roots easily and built up salts in the media.
so only use orchid or natural fertilizers.
just my 2 canadian cts worth
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Old 07-30-2008, 02:29 AM
dgenovese1 dgenovese1 is offline
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Default Some Simple Advice

Hi Vicki,
I can appreciate the fact that you feel a little overwhelmed by all of the information that is me, I've been there myself. Seeing how you are looking for simple solutions, I'll stick with what I tell friends who are growing just a few plants (or even one). It is a very basic version of what I use, without going into all of the chemistry behind it, and without going into the additives I might use and the variances I incorporate every 6 weeks and so on.
So, simply put, I recommend using a Dyna-Gro product called Liquid Grow 7-9-5 plant food. It comes as a liquid fertilizer concentrate, well balanced and suited for orchid growing. It is not too strong, so it doesn't need dilution beyond what is recommended on the package. It contains all of the essential micronutrients as well, so you don't need to bother yourself with additives. I'll include a link to the Dyna-Gro website in case you're interested:
I have been using this product as the basis for my fertilizer regime and have had wonderful results with all of my plants…Vandas, cattleyas, phals, dendrobiums and many others.
Good Luck, and Happy growing ~ David
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Old 07-30-2008, 10:20 AM
Dorothy Dorothy is offline
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To add to Snow's comment regarding urea in fertilizers for orchids, according to -
FEED ME! MSU Orchid Fertilizer - Michigan State University Formula - Orchid Supply

"Orchids do not thrive on standard plant fertilizers because the nitrogen source in those fertilizers is primarily urea which orchids cannot absorb very well. Similarly, the type of Potassium in many fertilizers is not optimal for orchids."
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Old 07-30-2008, 03:17 PM
Nita M Nita M is offline

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TOTAL confusion...please help! Female
Default Bloom booster???

Originally Posted by isurus79 View Post
Some people will also try to sell you 2 types of fertilizer, 1 for growth and 1 for blooming (usually called bloom busters). Based on experience and from talking to industry experts here in Hawaii, I also think this is unnecessary. Just keep it simple!
Sooooooooo, does this mean I don't have to use any bloom booster fertilizer at all? I have some and now that three of my plants are in spike I was going to ask when I needed to start using the bloom booster. Would it be best to just throw it away or use it because I've got it - and if so, how often?

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Old 07-30-2008, 07:29 PM
greg sytch greg sytch is offline

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You can always experiment with the bloom booster, and see if it works under your conditions. I mostly foliar feed here in Tampa Bay because my orchids grow outdoors all year, so it is easy for me to do that. I use the 20-14-13 Better Gro most of the time, and occasionally hit them with 30-10-10 because fir bark can break down nitrogen. But, be a scientist and just do it. Have a blast! Greg ........where it keeps raining, and raining, and raining all summer long
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