I bought my first Dendrobium today, and i have no experienze with this kind of chid...
Any suggestions about how to care for this beauty is well apriciated!
I have grown phals, and have one cambria-mix, but i couldnt resist this one.... and now i feel a bit lost!
Hello Lene!
There's information on Dendrobiums here on the site. I think if you do a search for Dendrobium Care Sheets it will come right up. Wish I knew how to put the link on this post, but I don't. I find Dends to be easy to grow and they bloom often. Good luck!
Nice color combination. I'm fairly new to growing orchids but I do have two dends and I water them once a week with Shultz orchid feed that I bought at Home Depot and they are very happy.
Lene those are some beautiful flowers you've got there. As far as care goes. They take high light just like the cattleyas. Let it dry in between watering and will bloom from the new pseudobulbs aka canes after that usually the cane drops it's leaves and a new one starts growing. As far a potting goes a bark, charcoal, perlite mix is good or just to of this if available if not just bark. Fertilize weakly weekly once a week. Hope it was of some help.