I don't really think the resemble one another either!
Adlemsi, I have the same problem...out running errands and decide to just "stop by" the garden section. I usually find some way to talk myself out of it, if they aren't tagged or I won't be going right home (thus leaving the new baby in the car), but that doesn't always work. However, if the 'chid is on sale or just drop dead gorgeous the rational thoughts stop! As for the rearranging, I just found some more boards to use, and I think this weekend may find me orchid hunting (it's got to be somewhat small though to disguise as being new to my b/f).
Ross, I didn't even consider there being damage to anything other then the orchids either! Haha...
Lene, Sorry about the Phal. You must be a very concerned momma to dream about the incident! My dreams are more about being in orchid paradises or nurseries!