Phalaenopsis Orchid is Dying! Pics Included
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Old 07-11-2008, 04:44 AM
Colione Colione is offline
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Phalaenopsis Orchid is Dying! Pics Included
Default Phalaenopsis Orchid is Dying! Pics Included

Hi Everyone,

I work a lot at my desk at home. My desktop water fountain wasn't cutting it, so I decide to spice up my area with a beautiful orchid.

So I purchased one, and placed it where it would get good sunlight through my western window, but never direct sunlight.

Advice from my aunt (who I trust is smart) showed me hers and she said all I have to do is mist it daily.

When I returned home with my new orchid, I started to mist, and I also started to do research on how to care for it. I realised that misting might not be the best way, and I should be watering it once weekly.

Annnyyways. My little guy isn't doing so good. One of the flowers just fell off, and the new buds look dilapidated, and about to fall off, or at least never ever bloom. I have no idea if I am watering it enough, too much, if it has enough light, humidity is right, to bright ... etc etc.

Also, one of the leaves is turning a yellowish / red. Here are some pics!

FYI. Currently in my room, it is 80 degrees at 46% humidity. With the AC on at night it will drop to 70 or lower, but so will the humidity. The day time it probably gets pretty hot, about 85-90 @ 50% humidity.

What can I do!?!?!

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Old 07-11-2008, 06:03 AM
addictedcountryman addictedcountryman is offline
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um. doesn't look good. i don't know much about crown rot or sunburn, but could be either? especially since you said it gets 90 degrees, which can be an oven for a phal. they like around 75 degrees. no misting except roots and not the crown. hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in. good luck.
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Old 07-11-2008, 10:41 AM
blackorchid blackorchid is offline
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Bud blasting is normal when you move a flowering plant to a new environment. However, the yellowing leaf is not. I don't think it's sunburn because you didn't place this plant in direct sunlight. Temperature is probably not a big deal either since phalaenopsis is warm loving plant. I grew mine without AC in the middle of hot Texas summer. The abnormal part is that the newer leaves are the ones that turn yellow. That gives you a reason to suspect crown rot. So go ahead and check to see if there's still viable tip at the center of the plant. Misting is supposed to be like misting the air that the plant is standing in, to raise the humidity. It is common to get crown rot if you spray into the crown of the plant. Good look and post us more picture about the progress of the plant.

Btw, the mix looks pretty bad, maybe it's a good idea to repot and check the roots of the plant too.
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Old 07-11-2008, 12:08 PM
Baloney Baloney is offline

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Phalaenopsis Orchid is Dying! Pics Included Male

Don't water into the crown of your phal, or if you do, try to ensure that water doesn't collect there (eg. dry it up etc). Crown rot might develop. That's my guess as to why your topmost leaf is turning yellow.
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Old 07-11-2008, 12:14 PM
Ranchnanny Ranchnanny is offline
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When you brought your orchid home did you check the root system? In one picture I see some moss. Is that what it is potted in? If so I would remove it from the moss and repot it in a reg. Phal mix. You said you water once a week and if it is in moss then its too wet.

If any of the roots are dark and mushy cut them off before you repot.

Good Luck with your baby

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Old 07-11-2008, 12:26 PM
snow snow is offline
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i totally agree with ranchnanny. repot in a different medium andcutoff all the rotted roots dust the healthy one with cinnamon ( disinfectant). hold back on the watering a bit and move away from the window slightly.
putting the whole pot in a clear plastic bag for a while will improve the humidity.
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Old 07-11-2008, 08:09 PM
irrka irrka is offline
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I would also go for drenching with peroxide for crown rot. both of those newer leaves look like they're on their way out
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Old 07-12-2008, 02:26 PM
priz_m priz_m is offline
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Looks like I got here late . Crown rot was my first guess. Personally I would unpot, check the root system, cut off all bad roots, give both (roots and crown), as irrka suggested, a peroxide treatment, followed by a rinse in lukewarm water and as ranchnanny and snow said, repot in a drier medium such as bark, put in in a warm shady place and hope for the best.

Although crown rot is hard to overcome is not impossible, so I'm wishing for the best with your phals

Keep us posted.

Almost forgot... I would cut the flower spike, the 'chid can't misplace the energy to recover

Last edited by priz_m; 07-12-2008 at 02:28 PM.. Reason: forgot to write about the spike
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humidity, mist, orchid, sunlight, watering, pics, included, dying, phalaenopsis

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