OK here is my first question
My Brassia has finally dropped it's flowers. I have searched and searched online where I need to cut the spike. I have another spike coming up and don't know if I even to to cut the old one?
Any advise?
Ang - I have the identical plant that I kind of saved for $5.00. I have never seen it bloom as it is new with me. I just repotted it and I'm hoping that I did everything that it likes. I noticed there were lots of roots, but white in colour, and I hope this is the way it should be. You are lucky or probably smart to have yours bloom. If mine ever flowers I definitely will put a photo on this web sight.
I have had my plant for years but still cant get it to bloom
I know it does bloom because it was in bloom when I bought it . Does anyone know if there are any special requirements for Brassia Rex to bloom..............Must be a female plant............ stubborn as heck ............... mumble mumble munble mumble............................