Hi, I love this website.
I have two phals I tried to kill then resurrected using sphag/bag. They are responding nicely (hope you see the photo). Since they are not in any kind of medium can I mount them rather than pot? If so, when and what kind of material should I use? They will be in a greenhouse (80-90degs, 50-70%).
I hope this works, I don't have a clue what I'm doing.
I've never mounted a phal, so don't know exactly how. I would suggest spaghnum moss to mount it with and using a cedar board/wood or something like that. You would have to water more often, but many here mount theirs. I'm kindda bumping you back up to the top in hopes someone more knowledgeable will chime in.
wtg nut <sorry no meaning by that > I have mounted phals and did not get great response so I placed them back in pots, seems to be their choice of occupancy. Others here might have better luck as I have seen some beauties mounted. Suggesting to you if you do decide to mount them crown down only, with the sphag moss and watering water collecting in the crown will rot them quickly without resurrecting them.
B is right the phal on the right needs to go back to its rooting environment until you see at least an 1 of roots.
I agree about the second phal, it does need to grow bigger roots before any mounting... I wolud also let the other one grow a bit more...
I have two phals mounted, and theyre doing fine, but theyre hanging in an terrarium, and theres high humidity. I use moss around the roots, but bee carefull not to pack the moss to tight, or you will suffocate the roots, cousing root-rot.
Good luck whatever you decide!
And good job so far *s*
Info much appreciated. Since they're both the same variety I think I'll give it a try with one for the practice but at the first sign of trouble, in a pot it goes.